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Profesor. Dr.

Alberto do Amaral Jr.

Associate Professor of International Law of Faculty of Law at University of São Paulo, since 2001. Member of the Institute of Law and International Relations. Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School, 2003 and 2007. Founder member and former research director of the Institute of International Trade and Development. Founding member and Head of Orbis Centre for International Law and International Relations.

Author of the books: Protection of the Consumer in Purchase and Sales Contracts, Publisher Revista dos Tribunais, 1993; The Law to Humanitarian Assistance, Publisher Renovar, 2003; Candidates' Handbook, Entrance Examination to the Diplomatic Career, Publisher Fundacao Alexandre Gusmao, 2005; The WTO Dispute Settlement, Publisher Atlas, 2008, Introduction to Public International Law, Publisher Atlas, 2008, Course of Public International Law, first edition, Publisher Atlas, 2011, International Trade and the Environment, Publisher Atlas, 2011, Course of Public International Law, second edition, Publisher Atlas, 2012, Course of Public International Law, third edition, Publisher Atlas, 2013. Editor of the books: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Publisher Adusp, 1998, International Trade Law, Publisher Juarez de Oliveira 2002, The WTO and International Trade, Publisher Aduaneiras, 2002, The European Union, Publisher Aduaneiras, 2002, International Law and Development, Publisher Manole, 2005  and The International Investment Regulations: some lessons to Brasil, Publisher Aduaneiras, 2007. Derecho Internacional Privado, Problemas Actuales – Ed. Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Ibañez, 2016.

In addition, the author published, among other, the following articles: Le ‘Dialogue’ des Sources: Fragmentation et Coherence dans le Droit International Contemporain. In: Regards d’une génération sur le Droit International. edited by Emanuelle Jouannet, Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Jean-Marc Sorel, Publisher Editions A. Pedone, 2008, Compulsory Licensing and Access to Medicine in Developing Countries. In: Compulsory Licensing: Developing Economies. Edited by P. L. Jayanthi Reddy, Publisher The Icfai University Press, 2009, El “diálogo” de las fuentes: fragmentación y coherencia em el derecho internacional contemporáneo. In: Academia Revista sobre Ensañanza del Derecho XIII. Año 7, número 13, publies by Rubinzal – Culzoni editores, Buenos Aires, 2009, A integração entre o comércio internacional e a proteção do meio ambiente. In: Revista de Derecho Económico Internacional. Published on-line, 2010, El diálogo de las fuentes: fragmentación y coherencia en el derecho internacional contemporánea. In: Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, 2010, The Inter-American System as New Grossraum? Assessing the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In: ESIL 2011 4th Research Forum.

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